Where to begin? A lot has happened in the months that I've taken a hiatus from blogging. Instead of writing out a 5,000 word post, I'll just jump to the chase and bullet-point the highlights of the past 8 months.
*Got accepted to Brescia University for the online BSW program (one of few online accredited BSW programs in the country).
*Paid off the car thanks to Deployment savings (YAY!!).
*Started reading again.
*Started writing fiction stories on fictionpress.com.
*Started writing a short fantasy story for Writers of the Future.
*Gotten back into running.
I feel that I need to elaborate on some of those points. First, my writing. I've always liked to write but I hadn't taken it seriously until I read a sample of a published work of paranormal fiction. The writing was so mediocre that it spurred me to write my own story. Surely I couldn't write any worse than this person!
I've started four stories, all separate from one another. It's been a bit of a long, rough road and I'm not the best person at taking criticism but it's getting better. Here's the link to my profile if you're interested. I can't promise that they're any good, but that's my inner critic coming out to spout her negativity.
FictionPress Author Profile
Reading. Ah, my first love. I've loved reading since 6th grade and have always been an avid reader. However, the past few years have really sucked the life out of my inner bookworm. But I'm happy to announce that with the addition of my Nook (and recently my Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight - LOVE IT!) I found my stride again. I've been reading nonstop for the past year and I'm so happy I got back into it. Besides running, there is no greater escapism.
And running. My life goal is to run a full marathon. I'll get there someday. It's been a little slow, but all great things in life take time. I've almost worked my way up to 3 miles and after that, it'll be smooth sailing.
Somewhere between 3 and 4 miles, I go into what I call 'autopilot'. It is at this moment that my breathing eases up, my muscles are no longer fatigued, and I am at peace. Don't ask me how or why this happens, but it does. And once you get to that place, you can go forever.
I could elaborate on a few more points, but I think that's good for now :)